Program 2: Demonstrating Variables, Constants, and Data Types in R
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# 1. Variable Declaration
my_var <- 42 # Numeric variable
my_name <- "Alice" # String variable
is_active <- TRUE # Boolean variable
# 2. Constant Declaration using 'const' function
my_constant <- 3.14159 # Pi constant (no direct const in R, just don't change the value)
# 3. Data Types
num_type <- typeof(my_var) # Numeric type
char_type <- typeof(my_name) # Character type
bool_type <- typeof(is_active) # Logical type (Boolean)
# Print the variables and their types
print(paste("Numeric Variable:", my_var, "Type:", num_type))
print(paste("String Variable:", my_name, "Type:", char_type))
print(paste("Boolean Variable:", is_active, "Type:", bool_type))
print(paste("Constant Value:", my_constant))